
Greek word - (dikaiosune G1343)

Quiz - Choose the answer that is closest to what you think RIGHTEOUSNESS is.
A - honesty
B - a special attribute of God
C - the right way
D - sinlessness

Problem - Outdated, Misused

KJV Example - "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).


This word is not used today in everyday language. Few know what it means even though the answer is staring them in the face. Righteousness. Do you see it? Right-eousness. Right. It is about the right way.

There is a right way and there is a wrong way. Righteousness is the right way.

People have their own righteousness or their own right way. That is what they think is right. Some people insist that they are always right, because, well, in their mind they are always right. This is self-righteousness.

God also has His own righteousness or His own right way. That is what God thinks is right. Since God is God, since God is all knowing, what He thinks is right is right.

If you want to be right, you need to dump your own righteousness, what you think is right, open your Bible, look at God's world around you, and figure out what God's righteousness is. What does He say is right?

Be honest with the Bible. The Bible is clear. It says what it says. Don't try to twist it around to what you think is right or what you want it to say. When you agree with God's righteousness, God's right way, you will be right. This is how you take on God's righteousness.

Our society rejects the idea that there can be a right way of doing things. Instead our society says that everyone is right and that no one can insist that their way is right, especially if it conflicts with what someone else says is right.

This same thinking is in many churches. People who insist that the Bible says one thing, that every teaching in it is important and should be listened to, not just the main doctrines, are quieted, and people whose practice or suggestion is in direct violation of the Bible are pampered. How sad.

It is time we turned back to the One who is truly righteous (yes, that means the One who is RIGHT and the One who does what is RIGHT).

We should look for God's right way. Matthew 6:33 says, "Look for God's empire first and His right way, and all these things will be added to you."

In the Bible, righteousness is the right way.

Modern Synonym - the right way

Bible Version Tally (how other versions translate this word) - righteousness (34 of 50)

Breakthrough Version - "Look for God's empire first and His right way, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).