
Greek word - (mathetes G3101)

Quiz - Choose the answer that is closest to what you think DISCIPLE is.
A - an adherent
B - a student
C - a follower
D - an apostle

Problem - Outdated, Misused

KJV Example - "Thou art his disciple; but we are Moses' disciples" (John 9:28 ).


You have probably been told many times what a disciple is. You were probably told wrong. This word is often misused in the church today.

To find the meaning of disciple you can go to an English dictionary, but remember that most dictionaries tell what the word means today, not what it meant in 1395 or 1611 when the word was put in the English Bible. What it meant back then is what it means in the Bible. So let's look at Collins English Dictionary.

It says that a disciple is a follower. But go past that to the etymology section or the Word History section (not all dictionaries have these sections). The etymology will give you more of an idea of what the word originally meant when it entered the English language. What does it say? Disciple comes from a Latin word that means pupil and a verb that means to learn.

Pupil is an old word for student. Someone who learns is a student. So the word, disciple, used to mean student and not follower.

But a better place to go for Bible word definitions is a Greek dictionary. Let's look at Strong's Greek Dictionary written in 1890.

Strong says that a disciple is a learner or pupil. The word or words after the dash in Strong's is how this Greek word is translated in the King James Version. In this case, it is disciple in the King James Version and in most Bible versions.

It also says that this word comes from G3129.

G3129 is the number of the Greek word, manthano. Manthano is the verb form of the Greek word for disciple. It means to learn and is translated in the King James as learn (24 times) and understand (once).

So the meaning of the Greek word for disciple is very clear. It is a student, the same thing that disciple used to mean hundreds of years ago.

In the Bible, a disciple is a student.

Modern Synonym - student

Bible Version Tally (how other versions translate this word) - disciple (44 of 50)

Breakthrough Version - "You are that Man's student, but we are Moses' students" (John 9:28 ).